What is IPRN?
International Premium Rate Number or simply IPRN are special numbers which are charged higher than the normal numbers because of the premium services provided by them.
Many companies and organizations rely on IPRN for providing various services to their callers. These services vary in many terms.
The major reason IPRN is prevalent in the telephone industry is because of its real-time payment system which does not require bank details or involvement of credit cards. It is considered as one of the most secure modes of payment and has been utilized by many industries.
Due to this reason IPRN, premium text numbers & premium rate numbers are in high demand.
The Services offered in IPRN
IPRN can be utilized with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) which provides services like:
- Product Information
- Order Placement
- Voting for Contests-TV shows
- Reports
- Helplines
- Live Radio
- Weather Forecast
- Traffic Updates
- Live Games
- Virtual & Live Chat
- Live Quiz
- Horoscope
- Banking Payments
- Registrations
- Ringtones
- Flight Booking
- Orders
- Meter Readings
All these services with many others can be provided through premium text numbers .
Working process of IPRN
Premium rate numbers vary by country. Depending on which region it has been originated from, it is assigned by a special prefix code to distinguish the country.
When a caller tries to get information from a certain service, he/she pays a fee which is usually high and in some cases, the fee is charged as per the call regardless of its duration.
Who provides IPRN?
Many carriers have a whole nexus of other carriers and mediators who helps flow these numbers where they are required. But large organizations rely on marketing agencies for the International Premium Rate Numbers.
Educational institutions, organizations, TV stations and other media provides IPRN for to the caller. These organizations get their hands on IPRN through a telecom partner(s).
Audio Text Solutions (ATS) has been providing International Premium Rate Numbers for more than a decade. It’s premium rate calls comes from Tier-1 carriers (Highly established) with excellent quality and unlimited access.
How a business can earn through ATS IPRN?
The logic behind earning through premium rate numbers is simple. The more traffic or callers you can get on a premium rate number, the higher the earning. To get in line you need to:
REGISTER : Free and simple registration at Audio Text Solution Website.
GENERATING TRAFFIC: When a destination is chosen, all you need to do is generate traffic on them and urge the caller to stay on the line for as long as possible.