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Get to know us

Ever since it came into existence Audio Text Solutions Pte. Ltd. has been providing excellent audio and text based solutions to the telecom industry. The organization started back during 2007 and now have branched across London, Singapore and the USA. We have interconnections with major Tier-1 carriers across the world and currently, we are one of the best premium rate numbers providers . We strive to provide you domestic premium rate numbers as well as international premium numbers to a total of more than 200 destinations across the globe. Our team is dedicated to providing you premium quality technical support. We provide PRN (IVR & DPRN), IVR hosting , SIP on premium rate calls and our other premium rate services like live radio, weather forecast, games, etc. Audio Text Solutions is constantly expanding its horizon in terms of services and geography. We take pride in connecting people all over the world and providing the latest telecom solutions.

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